Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello is anyone there?

If you read the blog, you should let me know. Post a comment, make suggestions, send me pictures. I know some of you have strong opinions; let them out! The blog will be as fun as we can make it, so if you have ideas along these lines, let me know that too :)

We are thinking of having a wine tasting with our first barbecue this year? Any thoughts; yea or nay?

So what do you think of the new "Curb your Dog" signs? funny? S-18 effective? stupid? Dogs can't read? Tell me what you think.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bless you

Changes in the weather have led to weakened imune systems around the office, or Randy brought it back from Hawaii (thanks Randy). Q-5 So, if we keep our distance, it's not personal.

It's almost all over, but please be patient with our staff while we finish coughing, aching, & sneezing with our stuffed-up noses and achy heads & while we get over our colds :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


George Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851. The painter, Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze depicted two US Presidsents in this scene. G-9. One is George Washington; who is the other one? Hint- He is holding the flag. The first three prize winners will get a 2009 tide log. (they are cool)
Extra bragging rights if you know what state quarter holds this image.
Paul Henning gets the extra bragging rights. New Jersey is the state quarter with this image. Nancy Morrell and Wendy Hoger were the other two tenants that knew James Monroe is the president holding the flag. Congrats to all three of you :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome to the Foss Harbor blog

Find your slip number in any of the blog articles to win a candy prize from the marina store.

Do you have ideas, helpful comments or suggestions, things we should carry in the store or anything else we should know about? G-10Post those comments here!

Northwest Winter Wonderland

Seas ‘N Greetings, another success!

Despite the weather, we had fun at the festivities on the 13th. Although the grand prize, and the big huge trophy, went to Delin Docks, our marina had many more participants. The Guerra's boat took first place again this year, Congratulations Larry and Michelle! We gave away thousands of dollars in prizes and plan to do the same next year as well- so... store lights carefully because next year we want the trophy!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Available Slips

Foss Harbor Marina currently has the K-7 following slips available as of 1/08/09:
26’ Covered
28’ Covered
30’ Covered
28’ Open
36’ Open
40’ Open
50’ Open

Please ask about our winter move in special!

Ethanol Discussion

Our tanks now have Ethanol as manadated by the R-ET2 state of Washington. Do you think that the environmental advantages outweigh the disadvantages to boaters?