I am sorry to say that this will be one of my last blog updates. I have accepted a position at the Port of Seattle to oversee Shilshole, Bell Harbor, and Harbor Island Marinas. My last day will be July 18th.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your help and support over the last nine years. When I first arrived at the marina there were three people working here and all the marina keys were in one shoebox. It's hard to believe where the marina is at now compared to 2002. We went through and accomplished so many things not just as a marina business, but as a marina community.
We have been in constant transition since 2001 trying to grow and maintain a better product than what we initially found. I am grateful for your patience and understanding during my years at the Foss Harbor Marina. It is my hope that the marina continues to grow and thrive.
At this time, I am not sure who will be replacing me. Regardless, I hope you show them as much patience and kindness as you have shown me over the years.
I will miss you, but I'm sure you will still see me every once in a while down here; Or you are always welcome to stop by the Shilshole Marina Office.
I wish you all a wonderful summer!
Tracy McKendry and her dog, Reilly.
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