Friday, April 29, 2011

Foss Harbor Summer Season Goes Hollywood

The Foss Harbor Marina is excited to announce a new summer feature at their Tacoma marina. Free outdoor movies will be shown on a 12’ inflatable screen every other Saturday starting on June 11th and running through September 3rd, 2011. All tenants including guest tenants will be allowed to participate in this bi-monthly event. Should there be inclement weather; the movie will be moved indoors. The marina has also added a new popcorn machine in preparation for its cinematic debut. This summer the theme for the movies will be maritime-based. Due to licensing requirements, the marina is not allowed to publish actual titles that will be showing on these nights. However, tenants and guests may call and ask for the planned movie on a particular night. Movie nights are scheduled for June 11th, June 25th, July 9th, July 23rd, August 6th, August 20th, August 27th, and September 3rd. Guest moorage can be reserved by contacting Foss Harbor Marina (253) 272-4404 located at 821 Dock Street, Tacoma, WA 98402. For more information about the Foss Harbor Marina, please visit or .

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

View From the Pilot House - April 2011

Happy Spring to all!

There is hope ahead!!! We've had a few days now without the liquid weather; if only we could turn up the heat a little faster.

In preparation for the upcoming warmer(?) season, we are making progress on several items that you might be interested in:

1.Tenant Lounge - The wall is in and painted. The carpet has been ripped up and we are on the schedule to have a new piece put in. Click has installed a cable hook-up for the 50' TV that we are getting. We have a kitchen table with chairs and we are currently searching for a couch and a couple of chairs for the area around the TV. We are also looking at changing some of the light fixtures. The room should be ready sometime in May.

2.Exterior Painting - Painting will most likely start in early May. They will be pressure-washing a building and then painting that building a day or so later. Some locker access may be termporarily impaired.

3.Kayaks - Kayaks, Stand-Up Paddlers, and a paddle boat should be arriving some time in mid-May and ready for rental shortly after. We will have hourly, two hour, daily, and weekly rates.

4."Salty Dock Days" will be on June 11th starting at 10am. We have the following activities already scheduled:
-Coast Guard Auxiliary vessel safety checks
-Boater's Education Speaker and class
-Citizens for a Healthy Bay speaking on some of the positive changes we are seeing in the area.
- West Marina Booth Display
- Duffy Electric Boat Display
- Survival Suit Races
- Wheel of Fortune Game
- Salty Dog contest: Dress up your dog and enter them to be the mascot for next year's poster and event.
- Tenant BBQ
- Robin Patterson to talk about the Mosquito Fleet
- Terry Payne to talk about the m/v Westward
- Bates Boat Bldg. Program
- Remote Control Boat Pond
- S/V Odyssey
- S/V Red Jacket
- Live Afternoon Music
- Outdoor Movie at dusk. We will have popcorn!

4.Esplanade rebuild - It looks like they will be doing the piling work for the esplanade next January. We are currently working out logistics for restroom & laundry room access as well as relocation for the utility runs.

5.Waterway Security - Lori is working with Coast Guard and contractors to see if we can qualify for a grant that will provide security cameras for the marina. These will not only serve to protect the marina, but also assist the Department of Homeland Security in keeping our waterways safe.

6. Movie Nights - We will be having 7 to 8 possible movie nights this summer. The movies will be on the hoist deck with a 12' screen. We will have popcorn available and will keep the store open later for goodies. Due to licensing requirements, the marina is not allowed to publish actual titles that will be showing on these nights. However, tenants and guests may call and ask for the planned movie on a particular night. The schedule will be:
June 11th - maritime title
June 25th - maritime title
July 9th - maritime title
July 23rd - maritime title
August 6th - maritime title
August 20th - maritime title
August 27th - maritime title
September 3rd - maritime title
*** This schedule is subject to change. If you would like to see a particular film, please let us know.

7. Municipal Dock Site Grant - I recently applied for a grant from the City of Tacoma for a large decorative banner to be hung from the Municipal Dock Site fence. Our goal is to try and discretely camouflage the decaying lot until such time as development takes place. If approved, we are looking to put pictures of the old Tacoma Waterfront on the banners to commemorate the history of the area.

8.Gate 2 Liveboards - It looks like we are finally getting our claim settled from the November 2010 storm. In our claim, I asked for partial compensation for our liveaboards that were on the affected docks and had to evacuate. I know it is not alot, but you will be receiving $40 credit on your account as soon as we receive the reimbursement.

9.Wine Club - I have been talking to some wine vendors about possibly creating a Foss Harbor Marina Wine Club. This would include a monthly tasting event as well as delivery of a couple bottles of wine per month. If you would be interested in this program/club, please let us know and we will begin planning.