Living aboard your vessel can be a challenge for people, because of space limitations, moisture and other issues that landlubbers don't face. We have several boaters that are new or returning liveaboard tenants and it is time to help them out a little bit.
Tips for boaters who liveaboard can be found @
http://www.livingaboard.com/The best information, though, comes from fellow boaters. Do you have a unique idea for space, storage or overcoming other hurdles that you would like to share with your fellow boaters? Please post it here so everyone can benefit.
Don't forget the
Foss Waterway Liveaboard Association's
Clean Green Boating Fair on
May 2nd. That will be a great place to network with other boaters and find that piece of information that saves time, energy, space and headaches.
Living aboard
can be fun- we can't wait until the weather gets better so we can prove it!