Sunday, July 26, 2009

Floating Propane Tank Warning


I found a propane tank floating in Quartermaster Harbor about two weeks ago, carried it back to Tacoma on our boat (Night Watch) and then drove it to the Tacoma household hazardous waste facility at the landfill. The attendant inspected it and took it but he said there is a better approach.

Essentially the hazardous waste people suggest securing a loose propane tank in the water (with fishing weights as an anchor or w/ a line to a dock) then calling the Department of Ecology or the Coast Guard. Apparently some people who make meth store very dangerous chemicals in tanks normally used for propane and keep the tanks in the water so they stay cool. The haz. waste man said the chemicals used to make meth can become dangerously unstable and may explode if they get warm, hence his direction to leave the tank in the water next time. Ecology has equipment and trained people to dismantle meth labs so they can safely remove the floating container.

All this was complete news to me. I've been on the water for many years and this was the first time I've found a floating propane container so the whole scenario might be pretty unusual but who knows.

Regards, Charlie Douthwaite


Anonymous Anonymous said...


August 13, 2009 at 11:30 AM  

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